Make a Claim
There are two ways you can make a claim. Either come into the office and complete the necessary paperwork or download it from the web site, complete the paperwork and mail the originals to ReddiFund. Every claim must be accompanied by the following documents:
- Members Claim Form confirming your 9 digit Tax File number and bank account details, accompanied by a bank statement
- Employee Application Form
- Separation Certificate or Letter of Termination from your last employer (we will not be able to process your claim until we receive written notification of your termination date from your last employer within the building and construction industry)
- Certified copies of 100 Points Identification (front and back) (for example Drivers Licence, Passport) and Bank Statement
- Statutory Declaration and your signature witnessed by an authorised person (see 100 Points Identification guidelines).
Once you have completed the required paperwork, it is recommended that you e-mail us a copy so that we can check to make sure they are completed correctly before posting the originals to us.
Claim documents received via post that contain errors, will have to be re-completed and re-posted before your claim can be processed.
Below are some of the forms you may need to fill in before you make a claim:
Statutory Declaration
You will be required to complete a Statutory Declaration form to confirm when you have ceased working in the building and construction industry. The form needs to be witnessed by an authorised witness.
Members Claim Form
You’ll need to let us know your tax file number if you want 32 cents in the dollar deducted rather than 47 cents by filling in a Members Claim Form. Do not use an Australian Business Number (ABN) as we are required to deduct the maximum marginal rate of tax if no tax file number is quoted. This at present is 47 cents in the dollar.
Change of Address Form
If you’ve changed address from when you became a member then let us know so you don’t miss anything by completing a Change of Address form.
Employee Application Form
If you haven’t already completed an Employee Application form then you are not a member of the fund and therefore even though there may be funds held in your name you cannot access them until you complete the form and send it to us.